What A Lymphatic Drainage Massage Does For You—And How You Can Maintain Your Improved Results at Home


First of all, why should you consider a lymphatic drainage massage from a trained massage therapist?

It helps to know what the lymphatic system is and why it requires active management.

The lymphatic system flows towards through a person’s tissues towards the heart, but unlike the circulatory system, it requires bodily movement to help transport the fluid to the lymph nodes, located primarily in the neck, groin, and armpits, but are throughout a person’s body. This helps to break up the residues accumulated rather than letting them accumulate and prompt swelling.

An active lifestyle can stimulate the lymphatic system, but regular lymphatic massage therapy is critical to maintaining the integrity of the body’s ultimate purification system.

In other words, your lymphatic system breaks down toxins and keeps your immune system ready to fight infections. With the non-stop barrage of toxins in our modern world, it is more important than ever to mitigate their potential damage.

It is important to consult with your care provider to help determine how a lymphatic massage can benefit you and communicate openly with your massage therapist about your specific needs.

A lymphatic massage differs from other massage therapies in several key ways.

Unlike a traditional Swedish massage, the massage therapist practices techniques that move towards the heart to improve circulation.

Unlike a deep tissue massage, the massage therapist uses gentle pressure to avoid causing discomfort, stretching already swollen tissue, and doing more harm than good.

Lymphatic massage is a careful process, not a means to forcibly move or even expel fluids from the body. There is no overnight remedy to gaining and maintaining wellness.

Lymphatic massage is meant to restore harmony with utmost respect and care.

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This post contains affiliate links to products we have purchased for ourselves, family, and friends and we genuinely love. If you purchase them, too, we will receive a small commission at no cost to you, which helps support our local business in a myriad of ways!

Now, if these benefits are so great, why not maintain your progress at home?

These are our four daily go-to routines.

Ice rolling. This extraordinarily soothing routine will make you look forward to waking up. Keep your ice roller in the freezer and after you wake up, roll it on your face, forehead, and neck. Ice rolling will immediately de-puff your eyes and help drain the lymph nodes located in your neck. The pleasant chill will wake you up without the shock of a cold shower.

Dry brushing. Before stepping in the shower, use a dry brush. Begin from the bottom of your body by moving the brush upwards from your feet, to calves, to thighs. Brush your arms in the same manner, from wrists to shoulders. Brush upwards from your lower back and belly. Then, brush downwards on your upper back and chest. Remember, the lymphatic system is centered around your heart!

Jumping on a trampoline—yes, we mean it! A mini trampoline is a great way to exercise and make your lymphatic system flow. Find one that sits low to the ground and place it on a sturdy, flat surface.

Manual morning face drainage. We have used this technique ourselves when we didn’t have access to our usual tools and are in a hurry. Gently massaging your throat at the beginning of your jawbones below your ears. Then, gliding your hands downward along the muscles of your neck, you will begin to feel the drainage and may experience the need to swallow. Gently pump with your thumb and index finger above your clavicles. Everyone is a little different and will need to find the two points at the base of their necks situated on either sides of their windpipes.

Above all, keep hydrating!

Let us know how these routines work for you. We are delighted to help guide everyone on their health journeys.


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